Source code for intranet.apps.auth.decorators

"""Decorators that restrict views to certain types of users."""

import time

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import messages
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import user_passes_test
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.urls import reverse

[docs]def admin_required(group): """Decorator that requires the user to be in a certain admin group. For example, @admin_required("polls") would check whether a user is in the "admin_polls" group or in the "admin_all" group. """ def in_admin_group(user): return user.is_authenticated and user.has_admin_permission(group) return user_passes_test(in_admin_group)
#: Restrict the wrapped view to eighth admins eighth_admin_required = admin_required("eighth") #: Restrict the wrapped view to announcements admins announcements_admin_required = admin_required("announcements") #: Restrict the wrapped view to events admins events_admin_required = admin_required("events") #: Restrict the wrapped view to board admins board_admin_required = admin_required("board") #: Restrict the wrapped view to users who can take attendance attendance_taker_required = user_passes_test(lambda u: not u.is_anonymous and u.is_attendance_taker)
[docs]def deny_restricted(wrapped): def inner(*args, **kwargs): request = args[0] # request is the first argument in a view if not request.user.is_anonymous and not request.user.is_restricted: return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) else: messages.error(request, "You are not authorized to access that page.") return redirect("index") return inner
[docs]def reauthentication_required(wrapped): def inner(*args, **kwargs): request = args[0] # request is the first argument in a view if ( isinstance(request.session.get("reauthenticated_at", None), float) and 0 <= (time.time() - request.session["reauthenticated_at"]) <= settings.REAUTHENTICATION_EXPIRE_TIMEOUT ): return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) else: return redirect("{}?next={}".format(reverse("reauth"), request.path)) return inner