Source code for intranet.apps.bus.consumers

import logging

from asgiref.sync import async_to_sync
from channels.generic.websocket import JsonWebsocketConsumer
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils import timezone

from .models import BusAnnouncement, Route

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BusConsumer(JsonWebsocketConsumer): groups = ["bus"]
[docs] def connect(self): self.user = self.scope["user"] headers = dict(self.scope["headers"]) remote_addr = headers[b"x-real-ip"].decode() if b"x-real-ip" in headers else self.scope["client"][0] if (not self.user.is_authenticated or self.user.is_restricted) and remote_addr not in settings.INTERNAL_IPS: self.connected = False self.close() return self.connected = True data = self._serialize(user=self.user) self.accept() self.send_json(data)
[docs] def receive_json(self, content): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ if not self.connected: return if content.get("type") == "keepalive": self.send_json({"type": "keepalive-response"}) return if self.user is not None and self.user.is_authenticated and self.user.is_bus_admin: try: if self.within_time_range(content["time"]): if content.get("announcement") or content.get("announcement") == "": if content["announcement"].strip() == "": content["announcement"] = "" announcement = BusAnnouncement.object() announcement.message = content["announcement"] else: route = Route.objects.get(id=content["id"]) route.status = content["status"] if content["time"] == "afternoon" and route.status == "a": = content["space"] else: = "" data = self._serialize() async_to_sync(self.channel_layer.group_send)("bus", {"type": "bus.update", "data": data}) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) self.send_json({"error": "An error occurred."}) else: self.send_json({"error": "User does not have permissions."})
[docs] def bus_update(self, event): if not self.connected: return self.send_json(event["data"])
def _serialize(self, user=None): all_routes = Route.objects.all() data = {} route_list = [] for route in all_routes: serialized = { "id":, "bus_number": route.bus_number, "space":, "route_name": route.route_name, "status": route.status, } route_list.append(serialized) if user and user in route.user_set.all(): data["userRouteId"] = data["userRouteName"] = route.route_name data["allRoutes"] = route_list data["announcement"] = str(BusAnnouncement.object().message) return data
[docs] def within_time_range(self, time): now_hour = timezone.localtime().hour within_morning = now_hour < settings.BUS_PAGE_CHANGEOVER_HOUR and time == "morning" within_afternoon = now_hour >= settings.BUS_PAGE_CHANGEOVER_HOUR and time == "afternoon" return within_morning or within_afternoon