Source code for

import csv
import sys

from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from import BaseCommand

[docs]class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Given a list of FCPS student IDs, delete them if they exist."
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument("--filename", dest="filename", type=str, help="Filename to import data from. Must supply either this or 'student-id'.") parser.add_argument( "--column-header", dest="header", default="Student ID", type=str, help="Header associated with the student ID column. Use with the 'filename' option", ) parser.add_argument( "--student-id", dest="student_ids", nargs="+", help="A space-separated list of student IDs to remove. Must supply this or 'filename'." ) parser.add_argument("--run", action="store_true", dest="run", default=False, help="Actually run.") parser.add_argument("--confirm", action="store_true", dest="confirm", default=False, help="Skip confirmation.")
[docs] def ask(self, q): if input("{} [Yy]: ".format(q)).lower() != "y": self.stdout.write("Abort.")) sys.exit()
[docs] def read_student_ids(self, filename: str, column_header: str): """Read student IDs from the given filename. Args: filename: Filename of the CSV to read from. column_header: Column header of the Student ID column. Returns: A list of user IDs. """ ids = [] with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in reader: ids.append(row[column_header]) return ids
[docs] def handle(self, *args, **options): # Sanity check if options["student_ids"] is None and options["filename"] is None: raise ValueError("Must provide one of filename or student_id") # Read in the list of student IDs, either from args or from the given filename if options["student_ids"] is None: ids = self.read_student_ids(options["filename"], options["header"]) else: ids = options["student_ids"] # Get a list of user model instances users = get_user_model().objects.filter(student_id__in=ids) self.stdout.write("These users are about to be deleted.")) self.stdout.write(str(users.values_list("username", flat=True))) do_run = options["run"] if do_run: if not options["confirm"]: self.ask( "===== WARNING! =====\n\n" "This script will DESTROY data! Ensure that you have a properly backed-up copy of your database before proceeding.\n\n" "===== WARNING! =====\n\n" "Continue?" ) else: self.stdout.write("In pretend mode.") if do_run: for user in users: user.handle_delete() user.delete() self.stdout.write("Deleted user {user.username}."))