Source code for

from datetime import timedelta

from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from import BaseCommand
from django.utils import timezone

from intranet.apps.eighth.models import EighthBlock, EighthSignup
from intranet.apps.eighth.notifications import signup_status_email

[docs]class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Notify users who have not signed up for Eighth Period or need to change their signup selection."
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument("--silent", action="store_true", dest="silent", default=False, help="Be silent.") parser.add_argument( "--only-tomorrow", action="store_true", dest="only-tomorrow", default=False, help="Only run if there is a block tomorrow." ) parser.add_argument("--only-today", action="store_true", dest="only-today", default=False, help="Only run if there is a block today.") parser.add_argument("--pretend", action="store_true", dest="pretend", default=False, help="Pretend, and don't actually do anything.") parser.add_argument( "--everyone", action="store_true", dest="everyone", default=False, help="Send to everyone, even those who have no eighth emails set." )
[docs] def handle(self, *args, **options): log = not options["silent"] if options["everyone"]: users = get_user_model().objects.get_students() else: users = get_user_model().objects.filter(receive_eighth_emails=True) next_blocks = EighthBlock.objects.get_next_upcoming_blocks() if next_blocks.count() < 1: if log: self.stdout.write("No upcoming blocks.") return today = timezone.localdate() if options["only-tomorrow"]: tomorrow = today + timedelta(days=1) blk_date = next_blocks[0].date if blk_date != tomorrow: if log: self.stdout.write("Block {} on {} is not tomorrow ({}).".format(next_blocks[0], blk_date, tomorrow)) return if options["only-today"]: blk_date = next_blocks[0].date if blk_date != today: if log: self.stdout.write("Block {} on {} is not today ({}).".format(next_blocks[0], blk_date, today)) return if log: self.stdout.write("{}".format(next_blocks)) self.stdout.write("{}".format(options)) self.stdout.write("{}".format(users)) for user in users: user_signups = EighthSignup.objects.filter(user=user, scheduled_activity__block__in=next_blocks) if user_signups.count() < next_blocks.count(): """User hasn't signed up for a block.""" if log: self.stdout.write("User {} hasn't signed up for a block".format(user)) if not options["pretend"]: try: signup_status_email(user, next_blocks) except Exception as e: self.stdout.write(e) elif user_signups.filter(scheduled_activity__cancelled=True).count() > 0: """User is in a cancelled activity.""" if log: self.stdout.write("User {} is in a cancelled activity.".format(user)) if not options["pretend"]: try: signup_status_email(user, next_blocks) except Exception as e: self.stdout.write(e) if log: self.stdout.write("Done.")