Source code for intranet.apps.eighth.notifications

import logging

from django.urls import reverse

from ..notifications.emails import email_send
from ..notifications.tasks import email_send_task
from .models import EighthScheduledActivity, EighthSignup

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def signup_status_email(user, next_blocks, use_celery=True): emails = [user.notification_email] blocks = [] issues = 0 for blk in next_blocks: cancelled = False try: signup = EighthSignup.objects.get(user=user, scheduled_activity__block=blk) except EighthSignup.DoesNotExist: signup = None issues += 1 else: if signup.scheduled_activity.cancelled: issues += 1 cancelled = True blocks.append({"block": blk, "signup": signup, "cancelled": cancelled}) block_date = next_blocks[0].date block_signup_time = next_blocks[0].signup_time if block_signup_time: block_signup_time = "{}:{}".format(block_signup_time.hour, block_signup_time.minute) date_str = block_date.strftime("%A, %B %-d") # We can't build an absolute URI because this isn't being executed # in the context of a Django request base_url = "" # request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('index')) data = { "user": user, "blocks": blocks, "block_date": block_date, "date_str": date_str, "block_signup_time": block_signup_time, "base_url": base_url, "issues": issues, "info_link": base_url + reverse("eighth_signup"), } args = ("eighth/emails/signup_status.txt", "eighth/emails/signup_status.html", data, "Signup Status for {}".format(date_str), emails) if use_celery: email_send_task.delay(*args) return None else: return email_send(*args)
[docs]def activity_cancelled_email(sched_act: EighthScheduledActivity): """Notifies all the users signed up for the given EighthScheduledActivity that it has been cancelled. Args: sched_act: The activity that has been cancelled. """ date_str ="%A, %B %-d") emails = list({signup.user.notification_email for signup in sched_act.eighthsignup_set.filter(user__receive_eighth_emails=True)}) base_url = "" data = {"sched_act": sched_act, "date_str": date_str, "base_url": base_url} logger.debug( "Scheduled activity %d was cancelled; emailing %d of %d signed up users",, len(emails), sched_act.eighthsignup_set.count() ) email_send_task.delay( "eighth/emails/activity_cancelled.txt", "eighth/emails/activity_cancelled.html", data, "Activity Cancelled on {}".format(date_str), emails, bcc=True, )
[docs]def absence_email(signup, use_celery=True): user = signup.user emails = [user.notification_email] # We can't build an absolute URI because this isn't being executed # in the context of a Django request base_url = "" # request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('index')) data = { "user": user, "signup": signup, "num_absences": user.absence_count(), "base_url": base_url, "info_link": base_url + reverse("eighth_absences"), } args = ("eighth/emails/absence.txt", "eighth/emails/absence.html", data, "Eighth Period Absence Information", emails) if use_celery: email_send_task.delay(*args) return None else: return email_send(*args)