Source code for intranet.apps.emerg.views

import json
import logging
import time

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.utils import timezone

from ...utils.html import get_domain_name, safe_fcps_emerg_html

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def check_emerg(): """Fetch from FCPS and CSL emergency announcement pages. URLs defined in settings.FCPS_EMERGENCY_PAGE and settings.CSL_STATUS_PAGE Request timeout defined in settings.FCPS_EMERGENCY_TIMEOUT """ fcps_page = settings.FCPS_EMERGENCY_PAGE csl_page = settings.CSL_STATUS_PAGE announcements = [] if settings.EMERGENCY_MESSAGE: return True, settings.EMERGENCY_MESSAGE if not fcps_page or not csl_page: return None, None timeout = settings.EMERGENCY_TIMEOUT try: r = requests.get("{}?{}".format(fcps_page, int(time.time() // 60)), timeout=timeout) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: return False, None res = r.text # Keep this list up to date with whatever wording FCPS decides to use each time... bad_strings = [ "There are no emergency announcements at this time", "There are no emergency messages at this time", "There are no emeregency annoncements at this time", "There are no major announcements at this time.", "There are no major emergency announcements at this time.", "There are no emergencies at this time.", "Site under maintenance", # We don't want to get people's attention like this just to tell them that is under maintenance "502 Bad Gateway", ] status = True for b in bad_strings: if b in res: status = False break soup = BeautifulSoup(res, "xml") if soup.title and status: title = soup.title.text body = soup.find("content").text title = safe_fcps_emerg_html(title, fcps_page) body = safe_fcps_emerg_html(body, fcps_page) announcements.append({"title": f"<a target='_blank' href=\"{get_domain_name(fcps_page)}\">{title}</a>", "body": body}) try: r = requests.get(csl_page, timeout=timeout) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: pass try: csl_status = json.loads(r.text) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: return False, None for system in csl_status["systems"]: if system["status"] != "ok": status = True issues = system["unresolvedIssues"] for issue in issues: desc = requests.get(issue["permalink"], timeout=timeout).text soup = BeautifulSoup(desc, "html.parser") text = soup.find_all(["p", "hr"]) desc = text[2: len(text) - 5] a = { "title": f"<a target='_blank' href=\"{get_domain_name(csl_page)}\">{issue['title']}</a>", "body": "".join(d.prettify() for d in desc), } if a not in announcements and issue["severity"] != "notice": announcements.append(a) # Not needed due to the filtering of "p" elements, but as a backup: bad_text = [ '<p><strong class="bold">© tjCSL Status, 2022</strong>&nbsp; • &nbsp; <a href="#">Back to top</a></p>', "<p>We continuously monitor the status of our services and if there are any interruptions, a note will be posted here.</p>", ] message = "".join( [ f"<h3><i class='fas fa-exclamation-triangle'></i>&nbsp; {announcement['title']}</h3><hr />{announcement['body']}\n" for announcement in announcements if announcement not in bad_text ] ) return status, message
[docs]def get_emerg_result(*, custom_logger=None): """Run the fetch command from FCPS.""" if custom_logger is None: custom_logger = logger status, message = check_emerg() custom_logger.debug("Fetched emergency info from FCPS and CSL status") return {"status": status, "message": message}
[docs]def get_emerg(): """Get the cached FCPS emergency page and CSL status page, or check it again. Timeout defined in settings.CACHE_AGE["emerg"] """ key = "emerg:{}".format(timezone.localdate()) cached = cache.get(key) if cached: return cached else: # We have a Celery task updating the cache periodically, so this normally won't run. # However, if Celery stops working, we still want it to update, so we fall back on # updating it here. result = get_emerg_result() cache.set(key, result, timeout=settings.CACHE_AGE["emerg"]) return result
[docs]def update_emerg_cache(*, custom_logger=None) -> None: """Updates the cached contents of FCPS emergency page. This forces a cache update, regardless of whether or not the cache has expired. However, it does set the cache entry to expire in ``settings.CACHE_AGE["emerg"]`` seconds. Args: custom_logger: A custom ``logging.Logger`` instance to use for log messages relating to the cache update. """ key = "emerg:{}".format(timezone.localdate()) result = get_emerg_result(custom_logger=custom_logger) cache.set(key, result, timeout=settings.CACHE_AGE["emerg"])