Source code for intranet.apps.groups.models

from django.contrib.auth import models as auth_models
from django.db import models

[docs]class GroupManager(auth_models.GroupManager): """This GroupManager model is really just the default Django django.contrib.auth.models.GroupManager, just with an extra method."""
[docs] def student_visible(self): """Return a QuerySet of groups that are student-visible.""" return Group.objects.filter(groupproperties__student_visible=True)
[docs]class Group(auth_models.Group): """This Group model is really just the default Django django.contrib.auth.models.Group, but with a "properties" property which returns or creates the GroupProperties field for that group. Because GroupProperties objects are only created here when they are first accessed, and not on creation or edit, you must *always* access them directly through the Group object, and not through GroupProperties. This presents some complications. All model-level relationships for a group should use the *Django contrib.auth.models.Group object*, and not the custom one defined here. You will see this done, to avoid confusion, like: from django.contrib.auth.models import Group as DjangoGroup with DjangoGroup being referenced in the OneToOne or ManyToMany relationship. e.x.: Group.objects.get(id=9).properties.student_visible """ objects = GroupManager() @property def properties(self): try: props = self.groupproperties # pylint: disable=no-member except GroupProperties.DoesNotExist: props, _ = GroupProperties.objects.get_or_create(group=self) return props class Meta: proxy = True
[docs]class GroupProperties(models.Model): """The GroupProperties model contains a OneToOneField with the intranet.apps.groups.models.Group object (really just the default django.contrib.auth.models.Group), and contains properties and other app-specific options about a group. group A OneToOneField with a Group object. student_visible Whether the group should be visible to students in group selections. """ group = models.OneToOneField(Group, on_delete=models.CASCADE) student_visible = models.BooleanField(default=False) def __str__(self): return "{}".format(