
Tin uses Sphinx to build its documentation. The actual content is written in reStructuredText (.rst) format, and can be found in the docs/source folder at the Tin Github.

Building Docs

First, you must have a local copy of Tin on your computer (see Setting up a development environment). After that, cd into the docs folder.

Next, run the following commands based on your operating system

make.bat html  # Windows
make html  # *nix

The first time you build the docs, it may take some time. On future builds, the html will be cached.

Writing Documentation

Documentation is written in reStructuredText (reST) format. For a quick refresher on reST, check out the Sphinx docs.


Technically, you can write documentation in markdown. However, reST is preferred as it is more powerful and easier to extend than markdown

When writing a docstring for a method, attribute, or a function, we use the Google style docstrings. Do NOT include the type of a parameter in the docstring: that’s redundant and harder to maintain. Instead, prefer typehinting the actual typehint in the function, and sphinx will automatically parse that.

For example,

def my_function(x):
   A BAD docstring for my_function

     x (int): the first parameter
   return x+1

# GOOD! Note how the parameter has the typehint, not the docstring
def my_function(x: int):
   A good docstring for my_function

     x : the first parameter
   return x+1

Tips and Tricks

Sometimes Sphinx will do some weird stuff and things will stop working nicely. In this case, a simple make cleanall (or make.bat cleanall for Windows) should do the trick.


make.bat cleanall is _untested_ on Windows, be careful when using it. You can alternatively use make.bat clean and remove the contents of docs/source/reference.