Setting up a development environment

First, you will need to install the following:

  • python

  • pipenv

  • git

You will also need a Github account.

First, fork tin. Then you can clone tin onto your computer with

git clone

After that, install dependencies and follow standard django procedures


If you’re on windows and get errors about python3 not existing, try using python instead of python3.

pipenv install --dev
python3 migrate

Now you’re all set! Try running the development server

python3 runserver

Head on over to, and login as admin and the password you just entered.

NixOS Setup

A flake.nix file is provided for NixOS users. To use it, first enable the redis service globally. Place the following in your /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:

services.redis.server."".enable = true

This will start a systemd service called redis. After that, you can start the flake with:

nix develop

You can then install dependencies, setup the database, and run the development server as described above.


You may also need to set nix.settings.experimental-features = ["nix-command" "flakes"]; in your configuration.nix.