Source code for intranet.apps.context_processors

import binascii
import datetime
import logging
import os
import re

from django.conf import settings
from django.urls import Resolver404, resolve
from django.utils import timezone

from intranet.apps.cslapps.models import App
from intranet.apps.notifications.models import NotificationConfig
from intranet.apps.oauth.models import CSLApplication

from ..utils.helpers import dark_mode_enabled, get_theme, get_theme_name, get_warning_html
from .announcements.models import WarningAnnouncement
from .schedule.models import Day

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def ion_base_url(request): """ Return the base URL through request.build_absolute_uri for the index page. """ return {"ion_base_url": request.build_absolute_uri("/")}
[docs]def global_warning(request): """ Display a global warning on all pages throughout the application. """ warnings = WarningAnnouncement.objects.filter(active=True, type="global") if warnings.exists(): return {"global_warning": get_warning_html(warnings)} return {"global_warning": None}
[docs]def mobile_app(request): """ Determine if the site is being displayed in a WebView from a native application. """ ctx = {} try: ua = request.META.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT", "") if "IonAndroid: gcmFrame" in ua: ctx["is_android_client"] = True registered = "appRegistered:False" in ua ctx["android_client_registered"] = registered if request.user and request.user.is_authenticated: """Add/update NotificationConfig object.""" ncfg, _ = NotificationConfig.objects.get_or_create(user=request.user) if not ncfg.android_gcm_rand: rand = binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(32)) ncfg.android_gcm_rand = rand else: rand = ncfg.android_gcm_rand ncfg.android_gcm_time = timezone.localtime() ctx["android_client_rand"] = rand else: ctx["is_android_client"] = False ctx["android_client_register"] = False except Exception: ctx["is_android_client"] = False ctx["android_client_register"] = False return ctx
[docs]def csl_apps(request): return {"csl_apps": App.objects.visible_to_user(request.user)}
[docs]def global_custom_theme(request): """ Add custom theme javascript and css. """ today = timezone.localdate() theme = get_theme() if get_theme_name() == "halloween" and request.COOKIES.get("disable-halloween", None) == "1": # Allow option to re-enable halloween theme theme = {"js": "themes/halloween/halloween-cookie.js", "css": "themes/halloween/halloween-button.css"} if today.month == 3 and (14 <= <= 16): theme = {"css": "themes/piday/piday.css"} return {"theme": theme}
[docs]def show_homecoming(request): """ Return whether to show homecoming ribbon/scores """ return {"show_homecoming": settings.HOCO_START_DATE <= timezone.localdate() <= settings.HOCO_END_DATE}
def _get_current_ip(request): x_real_ip = request.META.get("HTTP_X_REAL_IP") if x_real_ip: ip = x_real_ip.split(",", 1)[0] else: ip = request.META.get("REMOTE_ADDR") return ip
[docs]def is_tj_ip(request): """ Return whether the request IP is in the TJ range. Returns: Whether the IP associated with a request is within the TJ IP range. """ ip = _get_current_ip(request) return {"is_tj_ip": (ip in settings.TJ_IPS)}
[docs]def show_bus_button(request): """ Export if user has access to view the bus button. The user must either be a bus admin or be within an hour of the end """ is_bus_admin = request.user.is_authenticated and request.user.has_admin_permission("bus") now = timezone.localtime() window = datetime.timedelta(hours=1) today = if settings.ENABLE_BUS_DRIVER: return {"show_bus_nav": True} try: if today is None or today.day_type.no_school: return {"show_bus_nav": is_bus_admin and settings.ENABLE_BUS_APP} end_of_day = is_valid_time = end_of_day - window < now < end_of_day + window return {"show_bus_nav": (is_bus_admin or is_valid_time) and settings.ENABLE_BUS_APP} except AttributeError: return {"show_bus_nav": is_bus_admin and settings.ENABLE_BUS_APP}
[docs]def enable_dark_mode(request): """ Export whether dark mode is enabled. """ return {"dark_mode_enabled": dark_mode_enabled(request)}
[docs]def oauth_toolkit(request): """ Export application tokens arranged by application on OAuth pages. """ if request.user.is_authenticated: try: resolve_match = resolve(request.path) except Resolver404: pass else: if resolve_match.namespaces == ["oauth2_provider"] and resolve_match.url_name == "authorized-token-list": applications_tokens = [ (application, application.accesstoken_set.filter(user=request.user)) for application in CSLApplication.objects.filter(accesstoken__user=request.user).distinct() ] return {"applications_tokens": applications_tokens} return {}
[docs]def settings_export(request): """ Export all Django settings to templates """ return {"DJANGO_SETTINGS": settings}