Source code for intranet.utils.session

from redis_sessions.session import SessionStore as BaseSessionStore

[docs]class SessionStore(BaseSessionStore): # pylint: disable=abstract-method
[docs] def load(self): orig_session_key = self._session_key data = super().load() if self._session_key is None and orig_session_key is not None: # If django-redis-sessions encounters ANY errors while loading # the session, it ignores them and sets self._session_key to # None. This makes Django's session middleware delete the # "sessionid" cookie in the user's browser. # The effect here is to clear the session of any user who visits # while Redis is down, logging them out. # So if django-redis-sessions set self._session_key to None, we # take special action. # First, we temporarily reset self._session_key. self._session_key = orig_session_key # Then we ping the server. If we encounter an error here, the # the session ID won't get cleared in the user's browser during the # response (because we just reset it above). # If we got here, the server is reachable and it was probably some # other error. self._session_key = None return data